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How to wear an oversize sweatshirt & leggings

Shop for the Holidays in Comfort

Shop for the Holidays in Comfort

How To Style Leggings & An Oversize Sweatshirt

How to wear an oversize sweatshirt & leggings

Outfit Details


We survived Thanksgiving (and hopefully Black Friday)! How was everybody's Thanksgiving? Any corny uncle jokes or cringing aunt questions on why you're still single? Hey, what's the holidays without the awkwardness right. You'll be glad to know that I didn't wear my snowman pjs and reindeer slippers all day, lol! 

So now that we've officially gained 20lbs from pumpkin pie, let's focus on new clothes and holiday shopping. Your probably standing in line at some mall waiting to snatch half price tops or searching online for cyber Monday. I personally hate the crowds and being trampled on so I shop online myself. Honestly, the last things I want to wear when extreme shopping (and gaining a food baby) are little tight dresses and high heels. You get me?

So this oversize hoody is literally heaven. I went up a couple sizes so I can wear them with my fleece lined leggings or faux leather bottoms as seen here.  This hoody is perfect for shopping all day and laying around at home, similar one here. Plus, I don't feel like a bum lol! It's still really cute to wear for busy days with denim jeans and a cute baseball cap.


 How to wear an oversize sweatshirt & leggings How to wear an oversize sweatshirt & leggings

How to wear an oversize sweatshirt & leggings How to wear an oversize sweatshirt & leggings

How to wear an oversize sweatshirt & leggings How to wear an oversize sweatshirt & leggings

How to wear an oversize sweatshirt & leggings How to wear an oversize sweatshirt & leggings


So did I mention that we're having a HUGE Black Friday sale all weekend long! Yeah 20% off EVERYTHING site wide! Use code: BLACKFRIDAY. Be sure to hurry and shop before all the good stuff sells out.

Be sure to check out our Pinterest & Wanelo pages for more shopping! So recently discovered Emily's fashion blog. She's the cutest human alive with such beautiful taste. Check her out at Champagne&Chanel!

So how was your Thanksgiving? Did you brave the crowds for BlackFriday? What's your comfort shopping outfit? Let me know in the comments below!

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