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How to wear a faux fur vest and knee high boots blog

What To Wear For Thanksgiving

What To Wear For Thanksgiving

How To Style A Faux-Fur Vest & Knee High BootsHow to wear a faux fur vest and knee high boots blog

Outfit Details


Guy, Thanksgiving is literally a week away. Like what! When did we go from summertime breeze to Thanksgiving??  But on the plus side, who's ready to stay home all day and look fly as a Kardashian and eat food? *Raises hand* 🙌🏼

Speaking of looking fly, what do you wear for Thanksgiving? Do you go full holiday black dress with pumps or snowman pajamas with the reindeer slippers?

*Quietly raises hand for second option*

So I came across this gorgeous faux-fur vest and knew I had to own it. It's heavenly soft with the creamiest ivory color I've ever seen. It's a tad oversized so I would recommend to size down. I decided to play simple with this outfit and pair this vest with a simple white top underneath. You're probably thinking white and ivory aren't a good combination, but trust me it is. Together they create this snowy, sophisticated look that's easy to style. Also, try adding this vest over a maxi dress for a wintery look here.

Let's talk about these high boots for a second. These taupe suede boots are unbelievably comfortable and sexy for any outfit. I love the colors of taupe mixed with ivory. It's a simple neutral look that can be played up or down. These boots also come in black and look amazing with dresses as seen here.

If you're still unsure what to wear check out these gorgeous looks (here, here, here, and here) that will catch everybody's eye. 

How to style a faux fur vest and knee high boots How to style a faux fur vest and knee high boots

How to style a faux fur vest and knee high boots How to style a faux fur vest and knee high boots

How to style a faux fur vest and knee high boots How to style a faux fur vest and knee high boots How to style a faux fur vest and knee high boots How to style a faux fur vest and knee high boots


Need daily outfit inspirations? Check out our Facebook & Twitter for daily looks!

So I recently discovered Jill's fashion blog. She incorporates everything from beauty tutorials to fashion tips to lifestyle advice. Check her out at TheAugustDiaries!

So what are your thoughts on this outfit? What are your plans for Thanksgiving? Let me know in the details below!


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